Why Are Used Car Prices So High?

Got an email from Comstock Homes, who is developing the Eclipse with the Harris Teeter on the ground floor just south of Crystal City near the Potomac Yard shops (Target, Best Buy, etc.), saying that they are offering 4.25 percent financing. Condos start in the mid-$300K range, but the email says that the monthly payment including HOA for a one bedroom is only $1,650, so you can imagine that's about what some people pay in rent and utilities in nearby Pentagon City or Alexandria.

Sugar lurks in some of the most unlikely foods: cheese, fruit yoghurt, tomato sauce, baked beans, pickled cucumbers, muesli, beef burgers, Worcestershire sauce, sausages, peas, and yes, even cornflakes.

Walt Disney's jungle cruise ride boats have steel guide rails installed to keep passengers from falling in to the water below as they ogle the many sights and sounds of the adventure ride. The bars cost a whopping two thousand dollars apiece but that is nothing compared to the boat's one hundred thousand dollar price tag.

Many cars, especially domestic mid-sized sedans, depreciate quickly from their original MSRP. A Lincoln Town Car, for example, may have an MSRP around $50,000. After the deep rebates and discounts, it's possible to buy one a few month before the next model year in the low $30's.

Leave a legacy NOT a trail of trouble for someone else to straighten out when you are gone. Actually, you may NOT be gone anywhere but have lost your health, your smarts, to run your business.

It's helpful to first make a list of things about your friend(s). Write down words or phrases that person uses often, foods and beverages he or she loves, titles of favorite books, sports they love, interests they have (stamp collecting, Nascar), and other details about the people's lives. This list will help you when selecting pictures, memorabilia, colors of tape or ribbon and trinkets.

The entire cube can be about a vacation you and your friends took or about things that have happened at school over the year. Glue on ribbon awards, a picture of a cute guy in your class, cutouts of stars or hearts, and other embellishments. Each side can tell its own story or the whole cube can describe the event. Glue on pictures of friends, pets, siblings, your new car, your old car, or even a magazine cutout of tacos! You create the cube you know your friend will love.